Engraved Rocks & Crocks

Custom Engrave Rocks and Crocks take 2-3 weeks for completion. Gift certificates are always available. We also have some pre-engraved rocks ready for pick up any time.

Custom Engraved Crocks & Landscape Rocks are a perfect gift for the person who has everything. They make great Anniversary and Wedding Gifts. We also do many for Retirement parties and even graduation presents. Lots of customers purchase the engraved landscape rocks as address markers for their own front yards.

You can stop by the office and personally select your landscape rock or bring in one from your landscape so it matches perfectly.

Many customers email and place their orders from the convenience of their home or office, and stop by in a few weeks and pick up their custom engraved crock or landscape rock.

For ideas of what to say on your custom item see the list at the bottom of this page.

* Sorry we are not able to deliver rocks or crocks *


Engraved Rocks

Engraved Rocks

Prices include rock & lettering on one side of rock. Rocks limited to stock on hand, or rocks supplied by customer.
Small Rock - $85.00 (8" diameter or smaller)
Medium Rock - $105.00 (over 8" to 12" diameter)
Large Rock - $125.00 (over 12" to 15" diameter)

Stock Designs additional - $15.00 and up depending on complexity of design and time involved.
Custom Drawn Designs - $50 and up depending of labor to draw up the design, includes one approval drawing.

For picking up or dropping off larger rocks you can not carry, M-F 8:30am - 2:30pm.
You can call to see how late we have someone here who can assist with lifting. 608-782-6410
Office Hours 8:30-5:00

Larger Engraved Boulders

Engraved Boulder

Customers usually supply the larger boulders for engraving, price will be determined when the rock is dropped off. Price will be based on size, time and complexity of engraving on rock. Rocks must have a smooth surface where you want engraving to be.

Typically Engraving Costs Between $150.00 & $200.00 for lettering on one side for rocks over 15" up to 24" diameter.

Engraved Crocks

Engraved Crocks

1 gallon Crock - $115.00
2 gallon Crock - $125.00
3 gallon Crock - $140.00
4 gallon Crock - $155.00
5 gallon Crock - $175.00

Price includes lettering on 1 side. Customers can bring in a Crock for us to engrave, otherwise crocks are limited to stock on hand.

Call or stop by to see sizes are on hand. 

Stock Designs additional - $15.00 and up depending on complexity of design and time involved.
Custom Drawn Designs - $50 and up depending of labor to draw up the design, includes one approval drawing.

Our most popular size crock is 2 & 3 gallon. These designs are set up on a 2 gallon crock.
Designs can be adjusted to fit larger sizes. Similar layouts may be possible for smaller sized crocks.

Crock Designs


Minimum Font Height is 3/4" This may limit amount of lettering that fits on Rocks & Crocks. (Some fonts, letter must be larger to engrave.)

Font Options


Our Custom Engraved Crocks and Rocks take 2 - 3 weeks for completion. If you need it sooner please call or email to check for availability or to purchase a gift certificate.

Ordering Custom Engraved Crocks and Rocks

You can order over the phone 608-782-6410 or by email lacrossememorials@gmail.com (please have subject line read "Rock/Crock Order" You will receive an automatic reply back, when we see your email we will personally contact you. We require payment before engraving, so you can follow the email with a phone call with credit card info, and confirmation of your rock order. Thank you!)

All you need to do is choose the Size Range of landscape rock or crock, choose a Font from the above choices, and tell us what you would like your custom engraving to say.

* If you want a specific look to your rock or a particular color or shape of rock, or your rock to lay a certain direction, we ask that you come into the office and personally select your landscape rock. Rocks are a natural product, each rock has their own unique characteristics. Rocks do not have a set top or bottom, there are many ways to look at them. Our designer and engravers layout each rock individually as they see best.

Some Engraving Ideas


  • Mom's Garden
  • Dad's Pond
  • Gramma's Motto Squeeze 'em up... sugar 'em up... Send 'em home
  • Grandma & Grandpa's Place -Memories Made Here-
  • Nanna & Papa's Place
  • What happens at Grandma & Grandpa's stays at Grandma & Grandpa's
  • Grow Old With Me The Best Is Yet To Be
  • Grandchildren Spoiled Here
  • Family A Journey To Forever
  • FAMILY Other things change us, but we start and end with family
  • DAD Your loving care provides the perfect place to grow
  • Husband and Wife together for life
  • If at first you don't succeed...try doing it the way your wife told you
  • MOM your love makes our house a home
  • I never knew how much love my heart could hold until someone called me Mommy.
  • Sisters are different flowers from the same garden
  • Sisters are gifts from God
  • A Sisters love is for all seasons
  • Solid as a Rock for 50 years
  • All because two people fell in love


  • Friends Are Flowers In Life's Garden
  • Hold a True Friend With Both Hands
  • Coach You Rock!
  • Teachers Rock!
  • TEACHER All of tomorrow's flowers are the seeds of today
  • You're the friend everyone wishes they had


  • In Loving Memory
  • When Someone You Love Becomes A Memory, The Memory Becomes A Treasure
  • If Tears Could Build A Stairway, And memories A Lane, I'd Walk Right Up To Heaven And Bring You Home Again
  • Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again.
  • Gone yet not forgotten although we are apart, your spirit lives within us, forever in my heart.
  • May you find comfort in the arms of an angel
  • God has you in his keeping, We have you in our heart.


  • Never mind the dog, BEWARE OF THE KIDS
  • Around here the dog is in charge
  • In Memory Of A Faithful Friend And Companion
  • I Came, I Purred, I Conquered
  • Dogs leave paw prints in our hearts
  • You left paw prints on my heart


  • Bloom Where You Are Planted
  • Weather Rock When I'm.... Wet – It's Raining, Moving – Earthquake, Warm – It's Sunny, White – It's Snowing
  • On this spot 100 yrs ago, absolutely nothing happened
  • Shhh... The Garden Is Sleeping
  • Angels Gather Here
  • One is nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.
  • Weeds for Sale (pick your own)
  • All Thing Grow With Love
  • An hour in the garden puts life's problems in perspective
  • The Garden Of Weeden
  • Leave Room In The Garden For The Angels To Dance


  • Welcome To Our Home
  • Welcome To Our Cabin
  • This House BELIEVES
  • Expect Miracles
  • It doesn't matter where you go it's who's beside you that counts
  • When one door closes another opens
  • We may not have it all together but together we have it all
  • Live, Love, Laugh
  • Friends, Family, Faith
  • What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about?
  • Fishing It's not a matter of life or death, it's much more important
  • Ages ago men beat the ground with sticks and they were called crazy, today we call it GOLF
  • Home is where your story begins
  • Bless this home with love and laughter
  • Home is where our hearts are
  • IRISH you a Merry Christmas
  • Life is not about waiting the storm out, it's about Dancing in the Rain!
  • Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away
  • Love you once, Love you still, Always have, Always will
  • Love you, Love you more
  • Roll Me Over (bottom side) Ahhh... That Feels Good